lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Comentarios sobre The Unforgiven + The Unforgiven III

Desde hace un par de días estoy dedicando un pequeño rato a aprenderme la canción The Unforgiven II, de Metallica y cuyo videoclip ya puse por estos lares. No estoy logrando un gran éxito con mi empeño, pero al menos me ha dado la oportunidad de encontrar la interrelación que hay entre las tres canciones del grupo. Mencionar que no es algo mío sino de uno que escribió en la página de donde me bajé las letras del grupo.

· In the 1st one, a boy who is a skapegoat to society and his family, has the burdens and pressure to be like the rest, he cuts ties with it all, and at the end he's an old man who has not lived a happy life and reminisces and wishes he had been like the others

· In the 2nd one, He has found a woman who he wants to open his door to, to have love with, and who is not corrupt or "Unforgive" like the rest of society, but it turns out that she is telling lies and he "Dubs her the unforgiven", she's just the like the rest-

· In the 3rd one, he talks of the one he loved, and how he had set a straight course, but she had pulled him off, into his heart, portraying happiness she worked her way into his heart. He does not know if he was living in a false world and believing things not to be true. He is afraid to love again.
He wants to forget all of this and move on. But when he tries to move on, he realizes there is no where to go, "Search the seas for gold, how come it's got so cold", saying that what's the point of moving on when he knows that everyone is corrupt, he will not find one who is not "Unforgiven".
He has no home, no one to share his problems with. He wants to blame all of this on the woman, but he can't because he is the one who fell into the trap, he made the choice.
His life is coming to a close, depressing and black, with no hope of light shinning threw. He is living in hell, and his life is getting worse, with no love or compassion, no one to comfort him, and he is too afraid to commit again.

No me haréis traducirlo, ¿verdad?

Y como dejar estas cosas a secas no me convence del todo, dejo aquí T.U. III. Curiosamente se podía acceder a la I en el otro vídeo, pero no a la III. Supongo que por ser mucho más reciente que las otras.

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